*For our newest generation of portable instruments, please see SVA 90 and SVA 95 VibroAnalyzers.
VIBROPORT 80 and VIBROTEST 80 are the newest generation of portable measuring instruments. They are designed with powerful diagnostics and analysis, balancing and condition monitoring capability, these all-purpose instruments are easy to use flexible enough for a broad range of applications with modules for specific requirements. The two instruments can perform all of the same functions.
·VIBROPORT 80: With its large screen is perfect for in house measurements, The large screen also allows two-plane polar plots to be easily viewed.
·VIBROTEST 80: A more compact, lightweight version of the VIBROPORT 80, this instrument is ideal for field analysis/balancing. It provides fast and easy route-based data collection, monitoring the condition of machines, and balancing.
The VIBROPORT 80 and VIBROTEST 80 come in several ready to use starter packages with optional additional modules available to add on at any time to meet your monitoring requirements.
ANALYZER PACKAGE: The analyzer package includes powerful vibration analysis for general machine condition. This package merges the two main modules for typical applications in the machinery diagnostics day to day business: Overalls Module and the FFT-Analyzer with the Report & EXaminer Software (ReX).
If you want to check if your machine is within the operational vibration limit as per DIN ISO 10816, 7919 or the manufacturer's limit values, the Overalls Module is your choice! Real overall vibration measurements (not calculated overall values from spectra) such as:
- Simultaneous Visualization of up to three Vibration Values (a,v,s)
- Measurement of Overalls vs. Time f(t) and Speed f(n)
- Rolling-element bearing condition values
- Speed of rotation
- Flexible frequency range
- Crest factor
- Max. X/Y
To diagnose the location and severity of common faults in rotating machinery (e.g. generators, turbines, fans, aircraft engines, pumps, compressors, motors), the FFT-Analyzer is the appropriate application module.
The following faults are typically diagnosed by an FFT spectrum:
- Unbalance
- Bearing faults
- Bent shaft
- Misalignment
BALANCER PACKAGE: The balancing package makes field balancing easy. Unbalance occurs in nearly all types of rotating machinery. With one or two plane field balancing the following machines can be balanced by means of the Balancer Module and Overalls Module with the Report & EXaminer Software (Rex).
- High-precision machines
- Small and large electrical motors
- Automotive and railway engines
- Reciprocating compressors
- Fans, gears, pumps, hydraulic machines
DATA COLLECTOR PACKAGE: The Data Collector package allows for efficient machine management via route-based inspection. One of the important principles of condition monitoring is data acquisition and monitoring to alarm limits. With the Data Collector Module and Overalls Module with Report and Route Management software (ReO) you can upload a route and will be prompted to go from one machine to another in a systematic and efficient way to collect data. If there is an alarm situation, you are notified and can easily extend the route with additional measurements if needed. Key features of the Data Collector function are:
- Unlimited number of routes (up to 5000 measurements / route)
- Up to 12 measurements per point
- Up to 2 channels plus reference sensor supported
- Data review at site possible
- Data import from XMS software possible
The VIBROPORT 80 and VIBROTEST 80 portable handhelds combine application versatility with a modular product concept that is easy to use by specialists and beginners alike. Some additional features that are available to add on to any package are shown below.
Coincidence between Rotational Speed and Resonances (Critical Speed)
For optimal operation of a machine, it is important to avoid (or minimize the duration) of the coincidence between the rotational speed and the structural resonance frequencies. This will minimize high vibrational loads during the run up, coast down or steady-state operation of the machine.
The Tracking Module allows you to determine the critical frequencies based on rotational excitation. Typical applications include:
- Variable speed machinery
- Centrifugal turbines and compressors
- Engine tests
- Machines operating during a run up or coast down
Identification of Structural Resonances of Immovable Objects
In combination with an Impact Hammer, the Transfer Function Module is used mainly to determine the structural resonances by impact excitation on machines that are not rotating or on immovable objects such as foundations or casings. Some key features are:
- Measurement of the Frequence Response Function Output/Input
- Direct Connection of Impact Hammer (CCS, ICP®)
- Predefined Measurement Tasks, e.g. Stiffness, Compliance
- Measurement of natural frequencies of a rotor
Data Recording & Post-Processing
Do you need to record a raw dynamic signal over a long time and save it in a standard file format for post-processing? No problem with the Time Signal Module. Information can be recorded from:
- Impulse events
- Transient events
- Random events
- Machine cycles with start and stop phases
The data will be saved in a *.wav format, which can be processed by the Report & EXaminer Software and other types of analysis software.
Machine Quality and Final Acceptance Check
If you need to make quality checks in mass production and compare the machine state to pre-defined values or standards, the Acceptance Test Module is the module you are looking for. It is typically used for:
- Vibration quality checks
- Aircraft engine health checks
- Testing after service
The overall condition of a machine and its bearings can be evaluated by means of characteristic values. A characteristic value (overall) is, for example, the root mean square (rms) of the vibration components within a defined frequency range. These values can be compared with the operational vibration limits in accordance with ISO 10816, 7919 or those provided by the manufacturer. In addition to the vibration overall measurements, the Overalls Module also supports process measurements (DC measurements).
- Overall values as function of speed f(n) & time f(t) – Displaying the measured values over the variable speed or time in an X-Y-diagram
- Up to 4 vibration channels plus rotational speed – This provides high channel density. Tri-axial measurements are also supported.
- Two path detection per channel – Enables the user to select two different weighting or detection parameters for a signal from a single channel. This can be, for example, the simultaneous measurement of the overall machine and the rolling elements bearing condition using both a peak and rms detection parameter in the same frequency range or the CREST-factor.
- Signal integration – Allows for simultaneous display of acceleration, velocity and displacement by double integration if an accelerometer is used
The FFT-Analyzer module is the perfect tool for finding the source/cause of the vibration. The FFT and envelope analysis techniques resolve the total vibration into its individual frequency components. Each spectral line has its specific frequency and amplitude. The amplitude typically represents the “fault severity” while the frequency represents the “fault location”. This makes it easier to reliably diagnose machine faults such as unbalance, gearbox damage, misalignment and rolling-element bearing damage.
- High-end FFT-frequency range and resolution – Is realized in the instrument by frequency analysis in the range from DC (DC component removed from spectrum) up to 80 kHz with up to 25,600 lines resolution.
- Envelope Spectra – Are offered by two spectral analysis techniques: BCS (Bearing Condition Signature) analysis and the SED (Selective Envelope Detection). Both techniques are based on the fault amplitude modulation of a carrier frequency.
- Simultaneous display of time & frequency domain – Time signal and spectrum can be displayed simultaneously.
- Cross-channel phase – Used to diagnose, for exapmle, misalignment. The phase difference between two channels is acquired without using a speed reference.
- Cursors and zooming – The handheld supports single, peak find and harmonic cursors. A user-friendly zooming feature for evaluation purposes is provided in X- and Y-axis direction
A significant proportion of all machine faults can be attributed to unbalance of rotors. Although rotors are, as a rule, built into the machine precisely balanced after the manufacturing process, unbalance can result because of mounting tolerances and the residual unbalance of components over a period of time. On-site field balancing offers several advantages, such as: No dismounting and transport of the rotor; taking into account on-site mounting conditions (e.g. bearing clearances); independent of rotor-size and rotor-weight.
- 1 or 2-plane balancing – For static and dynamic balancing
- Fast balancing with prognosis – Is realized via an innovative prognosis algorithm which provides the remaining residual vibration level for both planes already after the first trial run as a prognosis
- 2-plane polar plot – For both planes on one display with possibility to switch to a bar graph and table view, which summarizes the steps of the balancing procedure.
- Free choice of adjustment method – The user can choose between polar, component or fixed mass methods, and can switch arbitrarily between polar and components balancing at any time.
- 2-plane, one sensor – Allows the user to perform a two-plane balancing job with only one vibration sensor.
- Trial weight estimation – Supports the user in finding an appropriate trial weight.
Offline monitoring, the systematic acquisition of state values on measuring routes, allows for condition-based machine maintenance. The Data Collector Module enables the user to cost-effectively monitor a number of measuring points on rotating machinery. The task of data collection is the acquisition of measuring values at predefined measuring points or locations. For this purpose, the systematic order and the settings of each measuring point of a Route are specified using the Report & Route Manager software. The Route is transferred to the VIBROPORT 80 or VIBROTEST 80 and stored on an internal memory card.
- General measurement functions of the Overalls and FFT-Analyzer Module – The Data Collector Module uses a number of powerful measuring functions of these two Modules in the background. In addition to the standard Overalls and FFT spectra, these include FFT-Spectra and bearing condition values (ECU and BCU), envelope spectra (SED with unit ECU as well as BCS with unit BCU) and time function.
- Up to 12 measuring points & automated data acquisition – Up to twelve measurements per point can be specified, these are acquired automatically and sequentially with a press of a key.
- Comprehensive analysis & diagnostic features – During the route inspection, the user can access a variety of features in order to perform initial analyses and diagnose on site. These features include zooming, displaying of the percentage change of the current overall in relation to the last measured overall, color indication and display of band alarms, to mention a few.
Order analysis is carried out during operation of the machine and serves to analyze the rotor frequency-induced vibration components and their harmonics. The VIBROPORT 80 tracking measurement module can be utilized for both run-up and coast-down of the machine. The new feature here is the two-step procedure:
Step 1: Recording of the raw vibration signal and the rotational speed during the run-up or coast-down.
Step 2: Post-processing of the stored raw vibration signal. The user can repeat the analysis as often as he/she wants with different setups. That is a particular advantage if a second measurement is very time-consuming (long machine coast-down times) or if the machine is critical for production and the process should not be interrupted unnecessarily.
- Evaluation of dynamic rotor behaviour – Uses the rotational excitation induced through the inertial force produced by the residual unbalance during shaft rotation run-up and coast-down
- Acquisition of machine resonances – Shown in a diagram with magnitude and phase (Bode plot)
- Innovative two-step procedure >> Recording & post-processing – First, the raw signal is recorded for later post-processing with different setup parameters
- Multiple post-processing solutions – Such as Bode, Nyquist, FFT waterfall, spectrogram and table view can be obtained with several user-definable settings for viewing the results
- Up to 3-channel support – Enables the user to acquire three vibration channels simultaneously from a triax sensor.
For modal analysis of machines with shafts that are not rotating as well as for the analysis of immovable objects such as, foundations or frameworks, the impact analysis method is employed. The transfer function is determined with an impact hammer having a built-in load sensor, and is given by the ratio between the input signal (load introduced by the hammer hits) and the output signal (measured vibration).
- Identifying structural resonances – By using an instrumented impact hammer for excitation
- Indication for relative movement of machine components - Can be determined using Multi-Channel-Function
- Conventional evaluation methods – Are available and cover load, acceleration and displacement leading to various FRF (Frequency Response Function) types such as apparent mass, compliance, stiffness and others
- Integrated coherence analysis – Is provided by color coding directly in the bode diagram
- Up to 3 input channels – For tri-axial measurements
The time signal function enables the user of the Report & EXaminer Software Premium Version to visualize the raw signal and store it in a standard (.wav) format. This format permits subsequent post-analysis by, for example, the Report & EXaminer Software or MatLab™.
- Up to 4 input channels – 4 x vibration signals, for example, or 3 x vibration signals + 1 x speed reference (rotational speed) can be recorded
- Standard .wav file format – Enables to import the measured data file in several different analysis software
- Storage internal or external – Internal storage can be up to 80MB, external storage on an SD card can be up to 16 GB, with max. 2 GB per data set
The acceptance test function is often used for quality inspections in batch production (final acceptance). It compares characteristic values with limits established by standards, such as ISO 10816 or 7919. The module also allows you to draw on predefined or personally defined measurement tasks (setups).
- Easy and intuitive handling – With the possibility to create user-defined templates for the acceptance test procedure, including, for example, a picture of a machine
- Highly flexible acceptance profiles – Can be set up by the user. Up to 64 bands in the frequency domain with 8 levels can be defined.
- Color coding of levels – For a quick and better overview
- Quick and easy data export – Via USB, SD card as .csv format for display in Microsoft™ or straight into the Report & EXaminer Software